The Shipibo Conibo Culture lives in many different communities in Pucalpa, Perú, and is widely know as one of the most notorious and recognized for their advance development of the ayahuasca healing tradition as one of the highest skilled ayahuasca healers over the amazon rainforest.
The shamans under the names of Onaya and Merayas continue the tradition of many generations of wisdom with a wide knowledge of the rainforest plants,making their own ayahuasca recipes, diets and healing rituals.
Onayas continue healing people from their comunity not only with ayahuasca, also using many other plants and techniques to attend many different illnesses from their patients and making personal consultation and healing sessions for one patient at a time as a western doctor in modern medicine, not always just in groups ceremonies.
The ayahuasca (Oni in shipibo language) is also a plants teacher that bring ligth and vision that help the shaman to diagnose and proceed with the treatment or give advice to their patients or their comunity in a wide variety of social aspects of their life.
The ‘icaro’ songs performed by the shamans during the nite are the main healing leading part of the ceremony, are in shipibo language, and sometimes in other language like spanish and quechua and some other times without any specific language just sound and whistling and have very especifical purposes, some are praying to the spirits for assistance, other are for modulate the Ayahuasca dynamics of effect, others are transmitted by the spirits to the Onaya in order to help the patients in their healing process and are the main leading and guidance part of the ceremony in conjunction with the Onaya own healing techniques.
The patterns featured in the Shipibo art are inspired in the visions during the ayahuasca rituals and represent the sacred animals and plants like the skin of the Anaconda named Ronin,and other beings that appears and communicate and assist the shaman and the patients during their journeys to other realms and healing processes and are part of their cosmovision.
The Shipibo culture as many others native cultures of the amazon rainforest deserve the respect,recognition and thanks for their wisdom and cultural heritage to the humankind.
Irrake Shipibo!